Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Update on White Shark, Expos to D.C.

Hey kids...
I heard today that the Montreal Expos have taken a step toward moving to our nation's capital. I say this is a good thing.Here is the link to the story:

It just seems that baseball never took on with the frenchies of Montreal as it did in Toronto, considering the average crowd size at an Expo game is slightly lower than my I.Q. The best thing that franchise can do is get the hell out of town, get a rich ownership, and get some free agents.
I'd go as far to say that they should re-name the team Washington Senators and design the uniforms after the old-time baseball styles.
The only opposition to this is the ownership of the Baltimore Orioles. They feel that a new team in the area would take away from Oriole fan-base and tv time. Bullshit.
Loyal Oriole fans would never jump on the bandwagon of a new team. If any do, those aren't the fans a franchise should want anyway.
I say this to Oriole ownership: stop moaning and concentrate on putting a better product in that new-fangled stadium you guys erected on the tax-payers' pockets. You guys had money to spend and you thought you could keep pace with George Steinbrenner's checkbook. Oh please, you dumb asses... if the Red Sox can't do it how can you? Stupid idiots.
The Orioles are in the toughest baseball division and must go against the two biggest spenders.
The odds are against you for the next ten years, deal with it or sell the team.
In the meantime, show open arms to your new neighbors (who will probably remain in the National League East), try to stay focused, and for God's sake lay off of Lee Mazzilli. Bringing him in to manage was a stroke of genius, but you shouldn't expect miracles in a matter of months. If there is a manager who can find a way to beat the Bronx Bombers, don't you think it would be a former Yankee player and coach? (Duh!) Oriole ownership are so stupid.

Subject change, the Great White Shark that has been at the Monterey Bay Aquarium for the last week is doing splendidly. It is eating every day and seems to be adjusting to life in the tank famously.
Click on this link to look at hammerhead sharks and Stingrays, and then click on the link to the Outer Bay Cam. This is the tank where the Great White is housed, and after a week she is exploring more of the tank and swimming closer to the camera. I watched this while it was slow at work today and caught some great glances at her. She is a beautiful creature.

Hey Bear, if you're reading this and still want to take a road trip to Monterey, contact me and let me know. The more I think about it, the more I wish I called your bluff and went with you last week. Oh well.

That's all for now, call my hotline at 909 - 991 - 3654 or shoot me an e-mail:

Take it easy,


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