Sunday, November 23, 2008

The *ahem* "Vampires" of "Twilight."

On today's episode of Karma Critic Radio, the panel discussed vamps in the movies. Unavoidably, Twilight came up in our little roundtable.
Now I admit, I'm not following the hype on this one. Personally, I'm a little tired of the Vampire genre and I think it needs to take a nap for about a decade, and come back refreshed. The point is, I have no knowledge of, nor a preconception of how Twilight approaches the vamp mythos. Well I found out today, and I was surprised.
What doesn't surprise me is how anticipated this flick is by prepubescent idiots who couldn't find their own asshole with a road map. But I digress...
According to KarmaCritic moderator, FableForge, the vamps of Twilight do not have fangs, do not drink human blood, and do not, I repeat, DO NOT get hurt by sunlight (!)


No. Seriously. Instead of dying in the sunlight, these vampires' skin starts to sparkle like glitter (!)

I'm gonna try to keep this as simple as possible, kids. Pay attention...

You show me a creature that,
a) Does not have fangs,
b) Does not drink human blood,
c) Does not get hurt by sunlight,

and I'll show you a creature that IS NOT A FUCKING VAMPIRE !!!
End of lesson.

Now, for all those who disagree, world reknowned smart person Albert Einstein says,

Jedi Master Yoda says, "Anticipate this movie you do? Stupid, clueless, idiotic, nonsensical moron you are."

I couldn't agree more.

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